Exhibition: “Long Story Short”
The Anderson Center presents Long Story Short, a group retrospective exhibition opening May 7 and running through August 14, 2021. A free artist reception will take place Saturday, July 24 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. in conjunction with the Anderson Center’s 25th Anniversary Celebration. Refreshments will be provided.
Since being founded in 1995, the Anderson Center has served as a research and development laboratory for arts and ideas, supporting more than 800 national and international artists through residencies and providing studio space to dozens of local artists. Long Story Short represents a small selection of the thousands of works of literary, visual, and performing art created since the organization’s inception. Books written or edited at the Anderson Center are displayed alongside paintings, musical compositions, sculptures, prints, and more.
While it’s impossible to quantify the impact of twenty-five years of substantial support for the arts, Long Story Short gives a sample of the artistic and scholarly works created in Red Wing through the Anderson Center’s residency and studio space programs. Join us as we celebrate the accomplishments of the Anderson Center and dozens of the writers, composers, and artists who have added to our rich local history for a quarter-century.
Handicapped accessible and free to the public, the Main Gallery at the Anderson Center is open Wednesday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. (beginning Feb. 10). This exhibit is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a Minnesota State Arts Board Operating Support grant, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.
This invitational show has been curated by Stephanie Lynn Rogers.
Featured image: detail of “Self,” a cut paper work by Antonius Bui, resident 2019
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