ONLINE: MN Children’s Book Festival
The Anderson Center is proud to present the 21st annual Minnesota Children’s Book Festival featuring high-quality online video readings and presentations of new books by eight of the state’s most acclaimed children’s & young adult authors and illustrators. Professionally recorded on-site at Tower View this summer, these engaging multi-camera videos bring children’s literature to life through original images and artifacts, as well as each author’s own words and stories. Each day at 12 p.m. noon September 12 – 19, 2020 a new video will be permanently published on the Anderson Center’s new website (andersoncenter.org/bookfest), YouTube channel, and Facebook page.
Participating authors and illustrators are Daniel Bernstrom, V.T. Bidania, H.M. Bouwman, Cori Doerrfeld, Bao Phi, Caren Stelson, Lauren Stringer, and Kao Kalia Yang. Each of the picture books and chapter books showcased in this year’s festival present various narratives of resilience that families can enjoy together. Purchasing titles online through The Anderson Center page on Bookshop supports both independent bookstores and the organization: https://bookshop.org/lists/2020-mn-childrens-book-festival.
Click here to view the videos and learn more about the featured books.
This series of online children’s book videos is happening in conjunction with free, physically distanced family activities at Tower View on Saturday, September 19, 2020 from noon to 5 p.m. In addition to several on-site scavenger hunts, a Children’s Book Festival family activity booklet will expand on themes and topics covered in the author presentations, while encouraging outdoor movement and exploration. All ages are welcome. Masks for ages 5 & up are encouraged.
During these challenging times, the Minnesota Children’s Book Festival is an ideal opportunity for families to connect, learn, and play. Over the years, the festival has received national acclaim for its efforts to promote literacy among young people.
This event is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a Minnesota State Arts Board Operating Support grant, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.