Casey Patrick

Literature- Poetry

Minneapolis, MN
September 2021

Originally from Pennsylvania, Casey Patrick is a poet and teaching artist based in Minneapolis whose poems have recently appeared in Radar Poetry, The Massachusetts Review, The Pinch, Ruminate Magazine, and other journals. A 2013 graduate of the creative writing MFA program at Eastern Washington University, Casey has taught creative writing classes in a variety of settings, and she regularly teaches in-person and online classes with The Loft Literary Center. She also provides freelance proofreading and copyediting services to independent literary publishers including Milkweed Editions, Coffee House Press, and Hub City Press.

At the Anderson Center, Casey worked on her manuscript, titled “Everyone I Know Repeats What They Know,” which explores female desire, female silence, female rage: dimensions of the way women are asked to exist (or not) in the world. The poems draw on lived experience as well as fairy tale, myth, and biblical stories. Casey also offered and participated in a poetry reading at the summit of the Red Wing Park Naturalist’s “New Trail Monday” hike to the old stone house in Hay Creek.