CB Sherlock

Visual Arts- Printmaking

Minneapolis, MN

September 2011, September 2015

More: https://www.cbsherlock.org/

CB Sherlock is a book artist and printmaker. Her work originates in themes of nature, community, belonging, and identity which is achieved through combining lettered images, nature, and unique book structures. She made her first book in third grade and continues to make artist books. As an Artist Coop member at the Minnesota Center for Book Arts, she is able to flourish as an artist and teacher of letterpress and nontraditional bindings.

As a letterpress printer, book artist and paper engineer, CB creates small edition books, prints, and one of a kind works of art. In book making she is able to use the intimacy, flexibility, movement through time, and inter-active qualities of the book. Multiple techniques are engaged in the image making: hand painting, paper collaged, painterly printing. It all comes into formation from the inside out, first the text block, then covers, slipcase or box. Some projects retain the familiarity of the book, other depart. Each one is to be touched, interacted with, viewed and read.

Her work is exhibited nationally and internationally and has been recognized by the Minnesota Book Awards, the Hertzog Awards and the International Competition of the Society of Book Binders. They can be found in many special collections including the Walker Art Center, the British Library, and MOMA.