Halee Kirkwood

Literature – Poetry

Minneapolis, MN
September 2022, two weeks

Poet and teaching artist Halee Kirkwood is a descendant of the Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Ojibwe. Based in Minneapolis, their work has been published in Up The Staircase Quarterly, Muzzle Magazine, ctrl+v, Cream City Review, and others. Kirkwood is a writing mentor and bubblegum poetry wrangler for the Minnesota Prison Writing Workshop and was an inaugural teaching fellow for the 2019 Desert Nights, Rising Stars writing conference at Arizona State University.

At the Anderson Center, Halee wrote and revised 30 pages of poetry for a new manuscript that looks at issues of class and labor from the perspective of a speaker who moves through social strata within retail and artistic communities, a speaker who comes from a history of intergenerational poverty. On September 26, 2022 Halee shared work and led a casual workshop around writing odes with senior citizens at Downtown Plaza in Red Wing.