Lee Fang

Literature – Non-Fiction, Journalism

San Francisco, CA
September 2022, two weeks

Based in San Francisco, Lee Fang is an investigative reporter at The Intercept who has worked for the last fifteen years reporting on a diverse range of stories, focusing on how powerful interest groups can dominate the public policy and political process. Lee strives to produce journalism that explains systemic problems and have worked to shape the national discourse for the benefit of the public interest.

At the Anderson Center, Lee researched and wrote a manuscript for his second book, a project that dives deep into the history of colonialism and early labor struggles, with a focus on how elites stoked racism and tribal conflict in order to prevent solidarity among those they sought to control. Lee will used his residency to review original source documents, academic papers, and books that have researched this topic as a basis for his own writing.  On September 21, 2022 he offered a presentation and Q&A at Goodhue County Historical Society called “Tools for Investigative Journalism” that provided an overview of his career, as well as some investigative/historical research tips. The workshop was reported on in the local Red Wing Republican Eagle newspaper. See link below.


Journalist offers tips for researching local history | Local News | republicaneagle.com