Miriam Karraker

Literature – Poetry

Minneapolis, MN
September 2022, two weeks

Miriam Karraker writes and performs. Their work examines how embodied experience can be explored through language, improvisation, and collaboration. Miriam’s practice is invested in examining the stakes of participation and refusal, muddying the line between author and spectator, and proving the rigor of play. Their writing has appeared in Poetry, Tagvverk, DIAGRAM, 3:AM Magazine, BOAAT, Gigantic Sequins, Gulf Coast, Indiana Review, and elsewhere.

At the Anderson Center, Miriam worked on a full-length manuscript, tentatively titled “Happening, comprised of prose poems, dialogues, ekphrastic poems, and event scores for speculative performances. During Miriam’s residency, they led a reflective outdoor writing workshop with students at Tower View Alternative High School.