Jason Rosenberg

Jason Rosenberg head shot


Sewanee, TN
September 2024, four weeks

Jason Carl Rosenberg (Ph.D. in Music from UC San Diego) is an acclaimed composer, conductor, and music cognition researcher. Having lived and worked in 7 countries, Dr. Rosenberg is active in several contemporary music scenes in the U.S. and abroad, and seeks to link these communities through collaborative projects and innovative programming. Dr. Rosenberg has been a selected composer at several festivals and has received the Salvatore Martirano Award and the Foro de Música Nueva Composition Prize. He was the director of the music theory & composition programs at The University of the South (Sewanee), Millsaps College, and Yale-NUS.

Rosenberg shared his music at Hastings Arts Center. The presentation was live streamed on the Hastings Arts Center YouTube channel. https://www.youtube.com/@hastingsartscenter/streams